Blog #4 Offline vs Online Identity Memes


Explanation: For my offline identity i used different images to represent this. Offline my friends see me as a bad influence. I always encourage them to go out partying with me and to do all other sorts of fun. My family sees me offline as a very studious individual. This is because most of the time my parents see me is when im doing homework. My football teammates see me as a baby. This is because it is still my rookie year this year and i have much to learn from my senior teammates.


Explanation: I used different images to represent my online identity. My friends see me as a ghost online. This is because most of the time i do not reply to their messages online. Hence the term “ghost” because i usually ghost people. I do this because i get lazy to reply online and i prefer to converse in person. In Instagram i am seen as traveler because my posts are usually when i’m in different countries. In Facebook i used an angel to describe my identity. This is because i try to show an innocent and angelic image in Facebook because my extended Family members will see my posts and page. I’d prefer that my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and etc to see me as a good boy and not a party boy.

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